

This is a simple implementation of a point of sale system. It is a simple POS system that allows users to add items to a cart, and then checkout. The goal of this project is to have a point of sale system where a business is able to have employees press icons that represent items when checking some one else. Some businesses have employees memorize all the prices of goods and then manually enter them into the cash register, but that requires more time training their employees and it could lead to the employees entering the wrong prices for goods. Instead of relying on employees memory which can result in error and loss of sales it is more efficient for them to just press the icon for the corresponding items. Once the has entered all of the required items, they will be able to press complete transactions which will tell them how much the sale was and enter the sale in a database. There will be an admin panel where the database entries can be deleted or altered and there will be an option to allow cash transactions to be added in the sale database.


I got inspirated to create this project after I started working at a donut shop where we did not have a POS system. It took us a while to train me and new members. I wanted to see if I could create a POS system that was simple and easy to use for the business.